Aco Vidovič
I grew up in a culture dominated by a materialistic view of the world. A view that could be summarized as follows: spirit and consciousness are products of physical body, they are hosted by that body and can only exist as long as their host is alive. When I was young, I didn’t question these beliefs – until my 27th year, when local media started to talk about bio-energy, old prophecies, and other unusual things. The year was 1987 and I felt a strong desire to search for something more in life. Today we would call it spiritual awakening.
Since then, many things have happened on the path of my soul. Too many to even begin to describe here. I have turned my beliefs upside down. I am still rooted in the “real” world, as many would call it – the world of jobs, houses, cars, and other important materialistic qualities that everyone appreciates. But I also know that while I live in this world, I am not of this world. I know I’m a spirit much greater than my physical body and its current life. And that it is so with all other people.
One day in 2011, I saw an interview with an interesting lady.

With Dolores Cannon
The lady was explaining how she led regressions into past lives. For some reason, I couldn’t stop watching and when she mentioned that she also taught her technique, I knew this is what I want to do as well. That lady was Dolores Cannon. The next time she was teaching in Europe, I joined her group to learn her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT).
Sometimes people ask me why we don’t remember the life before this life. My answer is: we do, when we raise our consciousness to a level where this information is accessible. It takes a little effort, but there’s a good reason for that. The reason being we came here to gain new experience, which is only possible when information from other lives does not distract us from focusing on here and now. Therefore our wise souls are born here with amnesia, which will disappear when we die and move on to another existence.
I am using QHHT to help people learn more about who they really are and to heal (become whole again). In our sessions, people deepen the insight into their lives and heal those parts that were disconnected, seemingly inoperative, or need attention for some reason. When I see people growing this way, it brightens my day.
Past Life Regression is a component of the QHHT session where an individual is brought and guided through an appropriate past life. Starting from the first scene that we see, we move through various periods until the last day in that life. The individual’s Subconscious selects what past life to show while the QHHT Practitioner guides them through it. Past life is related to a concept of reincarnation which existed also in early Christian writings. The selected past life is always in some way relevant to the current life otherwise we wouldn’t see it. It is quite common for multiple past lives to be shown during a single session. The Practitioner navigates through a past life using a series of questions to help understand the time period, social setting of the life, main life themes etc. Fascinating transformations happen during the session, both in the individual hypnotised and the surrounding environment. The most important changes take place once communication with the individual’s Subconscious is established. Our Subconscious is our best advisor and a great healer. This is because it knows everything about us and it always has our highest good in its mind. Our Subconscious actually is Us on a much, much higher, broader and deeper level of consciousness. When the Subconscious enters the conversation those who are present often describe it with feelings of euphoria, intense excitement, immense power and love. The whole QHHT session takes about 3-4 hours: 1-1.5 hours interview, about 2 hours core session and 1/2 hour closing discussion. In short, clear an afternoon for this life changing session, it is worth every bit of it. We begin with an interview. The goal of the interview is getting to know you and pivotal events that have shaped you. We look at your list of questions that you want answered. Most often people ask questions about their health (physical, emotional or mental), their life path or purpose, their partnerships (personal or business), how to tackle a particular situation in their life and what future will bring them. But there is no limit in what kind of questions you may ask. During the interview I will also answer all of your questions about the technique, and explain the process in detail. You will be taken back to one or more past lives that your Subconscious picks for you. No matter which lives that will be, they will always address relevant issues in your current life. We begin by getting acclimated to who you are and your surroundings. Then we move through several important days and then to the last day of that life. The death scene is usually important to see but you don’t have to worry about it. You can be taken to an ‘observer’ viewpoint where there is no physical or emotional trauma. Then we take you to the spirit side to see the broader perspective on that life as a whole in order to find out its purpose and what lessons you have learned. Then we bring forth your Subconscious. Some call this Higher Self, Higher Mind or some other name. Whatever you call it you can think of it as the larger part of you that has been with you forever – since the very beginning of time. The Subconscious explains why it showed you those particular lives that it picked for your past life regression and answers every question. Then it scans your body in order to heal and repair it. Your Subconscious has always only your highest good in mind. It can explain the root causes of problems and is so happy to finally have a chance to speak to you. Much healing takes place at this point. We will review some information that came through during the session. A QHHT® session is a transformative and powerful experience. It opens minds, hearts and imagination. It brings larger perspective and clarity about our life and allows adjustments which support our soul’s growth.Quantum Healing Hypnosis
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®) is a technique of hypnosis that assists in providing guidance and healing to people.
Created by Dolores Cannon, QHHT proved to be a powerful tool that helps us improve the quality of our lives and understand events in, and around us.
Dolores refined her technique through 45 years of her career as a regressive hypnotherapist, working with thousands of clients all over the world. QHHT moves beyond the Past Life Regression and reaches our deepest and highest consciousness. It can bring forth answers to questions people have about their lives. It can bring healing to the body, mind and heart on multiple levels.
Past Life Regression
What Happens in the QHHT Session?
The Subconscious – Our Higher Self
The Subconscious that is contacted by QHHT Practitioners is not the same as the subconscious referred to in psychology and conventional medicine.
During her early years as a hypnotherapist, Dolores learned that through her unique hypnotic induction technique she was contacting and communicating with the person’s consciousness that indeed belonged to them, yet was far above the level of their conscious mind which they used to interact with others on a personal level.
Quantum Healing
The Subconscious has the ability to identify any relevant problem it detects within a person on a physical, emotional or mental level. It can explain to the QHHT Practitioner the causes of this problem, be it from the current life or a past life.
The Subconscious is then asked if it is suitable for healing to occur during the session. If it is, the Subconscious can do the healing instantaneously. Often, simply understanding why a disease is present or why a particular problem is being experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved and removed by the Subconscious.
Structure of the Session
1 – 1.5 hours
1.5 – 2 hours
30 min
Important Notes for Clients