How Is Quantum Healing Possible?
It is common knowledge that our bodies can heal without being cured by some external medicine. It happens all the time. For example when we have a minor cut on our hand the wound is healed within days. In most cases such healing is a process that takes some time and we can observe different stages in that process. We say that our body healed itself and we do not consider this to be a miracle of any sort. We accepted long time ago that the body can do this by itself – or so we believe. Anyway, this is not a quantum healing.
The word Quantum in the QHHT refers to shifting a person (or part of it) from one state (dis-eased) to another state (healed) without any apparent transitional stages. Yes, quantum movements happen all the time, too. In my case this is how I was healed from dependency of smoking – after my first QHHT session I had no need or wish for cigarettes anymore.
Dolores Cannon had conducted sessions with clients where the amount of physical healing had been really challenging to comprehend. She had been teaching her technique to students all over the world for a decade and many wrote back about “miraculous” healing in their sessions. Healings experienced during QHHT sessions are documented in the Convoluted Universe books series while a shortlist of healed diseases is summarized at this page on the QHHT official web site.
How exactly the QHHT healing works is still a mystery to our conscious minds. Nevertheless, the fact is that it works. One way to explain it simplistically and get over it is: traditional medicine knows that diseases can have a psychosomatic origin. Meaning they originate in our psyche and are subsequently propagated to our physical body. Well if our psyche is so powerful that it can generate diseases, it is not so hard to accept that it is equally powerful to undo (i.e. heal) them.
It must be stated though that healing can only occur when an individual wants to be healed and if it does not interfere with the goals of their lifetime.
For example The Subconscious of a blind man would not heal his sight if being blind was a key aspect of his life he agreed to experience. Nor would it heal a physical problem someone created due to lack of care for their body – if they had not yet learned the lesson to love and respect their body. For these reasons I am not suggesting that Quantum Healing is a cure that will heal every disease in every person. It is worth considering it though while everyone uses their own judgment based on their beliefs and state of mind.
We are infinite souls who have incarnated on Earth for our own individual experiences.